No Battle Plan Too Ambitious
The SJ30i is a tough soldier and can handle whatever your day demands. Eat breakfast in Hong Kong and greet shareholders in Mumbai that afternoon. Visit an acquisition target in San Francisco and make it back to Boston in time for the school play. No matter the mission, the SJ30i makes the world smaller and you more responsive.
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I think the strongest differentiation the SyberJet has over other aircraft in this class is sea level pressurization. It's hard to convey the extra energy I have at the end of every SyberJet trip compared to a conventional aircraft. The speed, the ability to fly high (47 or 48,000 feet is easily attainable), and the efficient Williams engines all add up to low fuel costs per mile and less time in the air than competing aircraft. The two seats in the rear, the "owner seats", are the most comfortable in its class. My 91-year-old father agrees.Doug Robinson, SJ30 Owner
Stands at Attention to Draw Attention
From tip to tail, the SJ30i has commanding presence and is dressed to impress. You’ll turn heads on the tarmac with its naturally sculpted body and a paint scheme tailored to fit your character and style.
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Your Mobile Headquarters
Whether your trip is business or pleasure, the hand-crafted, 56-inch wide cabin of the SJ30i easily toggles between a productive office or relaxing hideaway in the sky. Its high-class comfort is constructed from the finest materials and is available in a variety of color schemes and options to match your personal taste and needs. With 2 seats in the cockpit and 5 in the cabin, seating capacity is optimized to balance flexibility and efficiency.
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Fight Better Under Pressure
The SJ30i counteracts variation in altitude pressure that typically fatigues the human body and causes drowsiness. Its unique construction boasts a 12-psi pressure differential that creates an unrivaled sea-level cabin up to 41,000 feet. Even at the SJ30i’s maximum altitude of 49,000 feet, the cabin feels as if it’s near 1,800. Whether you’re traveling to close a deal or race in a triathlon, the superior environment of the SJ30i protects your energy to ensure your peak performance when back on the ground.

Slice Through Resistance
The SJ30i is the most sophisticated light jet on the market. Engineered for peak performance and efficiency, it achieves the best possible balance of wing shape, aerodynamics and overall design. Its world-class performance isn’t magic; it is simply well-applied technology.
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A Continuous Feed of Sweeping Intelligence
The SJ30i introduces SyberVision, a more sophisticated, intuitive and intelligent avionics suite developed by Honeywell for the SJ30 series. In addition to countless best-in-class features that come standard, SyberVision can also be equipped with advanced options generally reserved for large jets such as IRS, CPDLC and satellite weather.
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Keep the Stockpile Intact
The SJ30 is financially efficient to operate, helping to conserve your resources. It is certified by the FAA for single pilot operation and is up to 25% more fuel efficient than other high-performance jets, providing you with greater distance per gallon and fewer aircraft cycles.
Commence Your Crusade
Stand apart from the mainstream with a light jet that embodies the independent thinker and self-made mogul. Produced by a team of personable and tenacious innovators, the SJ30i doesn’t surrender to conventional wisdom. It writes its own rules. And it rules its class. It was built for you. Contact us to learn about how the SJ30i can serve any mission and help you conquer more.
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